Are We Prejudiced?

  Recent unrest and demonstrations on university campuses have reminded us of student opposition to the Vietnam war, when young men with no desire to fight were objecting to being drafted and sent into battle. Critics of those demonstrations often accused the participants of being unwilling to serve their country. Student opposition to the war […]

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The Eclipse Remembered

I have never seen a total eclipse of the sun and never hope to see one. Not that I never wished to, but not all my wishes have come true. This is not a complaint. A great many wonders have become true experiences, though I never had a bucket list. My life has just been […]

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Things You Might Not Know

Here in the place where I live, the population is old. That’s the nature of life in a retirement village. But none of us were always old. We have been places and done things. We have stories to tell. Lately I have been asked by several different groups to talk about what is happening in […]

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Are You Forgetting Things

Forgetting? Here in the retirement home, who isn’t forgetting? A few weeks ago I forgot to go to my book club. I love book club. The prevalence of active book clubs was one of the reasons I wanted to live here. I can’t believe I forgot book club. I think I just forgot that it […]

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Thanksgiving in a Retirement Home

I am living in probably the safest place I have ever been. My family is not worried about me. While I sit here thinking about the Thanksgiving season, someone is cooking my dinner. The wonderful colors of autumn are hanging on in the courtyard. Even the weather is better than predicted. The hardest decision I […]

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Will I Be Safer in a Retirement Community?

The hurricane that devastated Florida has made me think. There are too many things to be afraid of. It is easier to be afraid when we are old, with declining strength. And it is harder to act on our fears. For example, living in an area of drought, subject to wildfires, is stressful for everyone, […]

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Will I Lose My Personal Freedom?

Mildred knew the time was near when she should not live alone. She had lately locked herself out of the house more than once. That was a predicament! She frequently misplaced the credit card bill and had to pay a late fee. Not wanting to cook, she often ate a bowl of cereal and called […]

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Can I Change My Mind?

The decision to leave home and move into any kind of adult-care community is a heavy decision. People considering it ask endless questions about accommodations, costs, medical care, social and educational opportunities, staff, policies, food. When we think we have all the practical answers, we still wonder: What if I am unhappy there? Can I […]

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Will the Year Be New?

A new year is upon us, while I am still looking back. Just a few months ago, in the laundry room, I met a new resident of the assisted care community. She was beautiful, her eyes such a friendly blue, her gray hair lying in soft waves, her smile lighting up that drab little room. […]

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