September Trials

  I never expected to be where I am right now. I do, however, remember noticing that sometimes old age advances in sudden events. A woman is 91 and well and active; she falls and breaks a hip, and it is the beginning of the end. Because she can’t walk, she loses respiratory health and […]

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Advice to World Leaders from Citizens of Lebanon

For a whole day I cried while watching the same newsreels over and over, the pictures of Beirut in a mushroom cloud, in flames, in flying shards, in broken walls and tumbling cars, her stunned people covered with blood. I will not attempt to tell you what happened that day or since, but it seemed […]

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Growing in the COVID-19 Pandemic

One thing some of us have more of because of the COVID-19 pandemic is time to think. And the daily news provides us with ample substance for thought.       Thus I have been thinking about many scattered topics. Some of them relate to things I said to myself (and confessed in my book) […]

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I Have a Question

I have a question: is there anybody out there for whom 2020 is the year you dreamed of?  Or planned for? Or, ok. . .just expected? I don’t mean to be silly or to rub your face in your disappointment, but I just want to establish that I am not the only one who is […]

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Why We All Need One Another

  Relationships and Our Needs   In this day of a global pandemic, many people of all ages, especially those who live alone, are faced with some of the experiences large numbers of older people have known for years. If we had a dozen single-word descriptors of aging and we took a poll of the […]

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Getting Lost (and found)

A sweet woman named Lois lived across the street from us for about ten years. She and I used to take our afternoon walk together, going all the way to the end of our road where there was a closed gate. She taught me that you have to touch the gate or you can’t claim […]

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Two or three days ago I got a note from someone who had just finished reading Helping Yourself Grow Old. She wrote: “What you said about dealing with old age, works too in dealing with a pandemic.” Really? I guess I hadn’t thought of that. But it’s reasonable, because old age is definitely a pandemic. […]

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What to Do When I Can’t Do What I Want to Do

Two weeks ago everything was coming up roses for me and my new book. Though the existence of a new virus for which the world was ill-prepared had shown its ugly face in Seattle, I was getting on an airplane headed for the far side of the country, excited about every author’s dream—a book tour. […]

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Blessed Post Scripts

People who have read Helping Yourself Grow Old are already asking if I am working on a sequel. The answer is that I can’t even think about another book, because I am too busy trying to make this one fly. But the other day I posted on facebook, feeling a little bold and saying so, […]

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Throwing Away Crutches

So much has happened in the short time since I finished Helping Yourself Grow Old. I read the page proofs in defiance of my knowledge that it is nearly impossible for a writer to accurately proof-read her own work. (Our brains tend to see what we meant to say, missing little things like transposed letters.) […]

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