A Reason to Grow Old

  This morning, thinking again about a lovely event I attended last week, I realized another perk of living a long life: you get to see your children retire. You might even get to sit and listen while people you don’t know talk about them and their accomplishments. You get to listen to them as […]

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Church in the Park

I went to church on Sunday afternoon in a park. I think now we should do this once in a while, after we go back to meeting with walls around us. It was the Sunday after Easter, which I discover is called “low Sunday,” in some churches, because it is always attended by a small […]

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Advice to World Leaders from Citizens of Lebanon

For a whole day I cried while watching the same newsreels over and over, the pictures of Beirut in a mushroom cloud, in flames, in flying shards, in broken walls and tumbling cars, her stunned people covered with blood. I will not attempt to tell you what happened that day or since, but it seemed […]

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